Title: UTAWA DOSHITETUKURU Subtitle: Composer: Masaya ISHIWAKA Lyrics/words by: Akiko YOSANO Instrumentation:Mixed Chorus Year composed:2004 1st Edition:2006.7.1 Duration: ca. 14' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
S0102 The Morning Moon As A Garland(Koto and 17gen-Koto /J. CENSHU /Full Score+CD)
Title: The Morning Moon As A Garland Subtitle:Trio for 2Koto and 17-gen Composer: Jiro CENSHU Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Koto and 17gen-Koto Year composed:1989.11 4th Edition:2014/8/15(ISMN : 979-0-65002-813-4) 5th Edition:2024/3/1(ISMN : 979-0-65003-718-1) Duration: ca.11' Attachiment CD: yes Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth Score type: score+Koto tablature part The lease score's information: Details of the work↓ https://www.censhu.com
T1701 Shinjugai/Taiyo Shutsugen(Mixed Chorus and Piano/S. TAKAHASHI /Full Score)
Title: Shinjugai/Taiyo Shutsugen Subtitle:for mixed chorus Composer: Shigeko TAKAHASHI Lyrics/words by: Akiko YOSANO Instrumentation:Mixed Chorus and Piano Include:Shinjugai Taiyo Shutsugen Year composed:2007 2st Edition:2008.12.15 Duration: ca. Shinjugai:3'30" Taiyo Shutsugen:2'20" Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
I0201 Aoi Sora no Shita de(Mixed Chorus, Female Chorus, Song/M. ISHIWAKA /Full Score)
Title: Aoi Sora no Shita de Subtitle:Songbook 1 Composer: Masaya ISHIWAKA Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Michizo TACHIHARA, Akiko YOSANA, Misuzu KANEKO Instrumentation:Mixed Chorus, Female Chorus, Song Include: Year composed: 1st Edition : 2005.7.15 5th Edition : 2017.4.15(ISMN: 979-0-65002-126-5 ) 6th Edition : 2024.11.5 (ISMN: 979-0-65003-679-5) Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher :Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-126-5(5th Ed.) 979-0-65003-679-5(6th Ed.) Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
I0206 Uta wa Doshite Tsukuru(Female Chorus/M. ISHIWAKA /Full Score)
Title: Uta wa Doshite Tsukuru Subtitle:for Female Chorus Composer: Masaya ISHIWAKA Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Akiko YOSANO Instrumentation:Female Chorus Include: Year composed:2004 1st Edition:2008.6.15 Duration: ca.14' Attachiment CD: none Released CD:Yes https://onlineshop-en.mother-earth-publishing.com/items/60747418 Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information: