T2305 Attempt at assimilation No.2(Koto & Guitar /N. TANAKA /Full Score)
Title: Attempt at assimilation No.2 Subtitle: for Guitar & Koto Composer: Noriyasu TANAKA Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Koto, Classical Guitar Year composed: 2022 1st Edition: 2025.3.1 Duration: ca. 6' Attachment CD: None Released CD: Coming soon… Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN :979-0-65003-818-8 (T2305-1 《Koto》Full Score+Koto part) 979-0-65003-819-5 (T2305-2 《Guitar》 Full Score+Guitar part) Score type: T2305-1 Koto (Full Score+Koto part) T2305-2 Guitar (Full Score+Guitar part)
M0022 Bee in the Cage(Sop. Hp. Pf. Voice4 Mn2, Ma, Gt, Mc, Cb/Y.MATSUDAIRA/Score)
Title:Bee in the Cage Composer: Yori-Aki MATSUDAIRA Instrumentation: Sop. Hp. Pf. Voice4 Mn2, Ma, Gt, Mc, Cb Year composed: Duration: Attachment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W25.7xH36.4 1st Edition: 2024.12.1 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-179-0 Score type: Full score
K3501 Piano Trio Dedicated to Conrad Ratte (Vn, Vc, Pf/H.Koda/Score)
Title:Piano Trio Dedicated to Conrad Ratte Composer: Hiroshi Koda Instrumentation: Vn, Vc, Pf Year composed: 2015 Duration: ca. 11' Attachment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W21xH29.7 1st Edition: 2016.7.15 Publisher: Mother Earth Score type: K3501-1 Full score + Vn part K3501-2 Full score + Vc part K3501-3 Full score + Pf part
T36i01 Chiisana Dobutsu no Mori (Piano duet/I. TAIRA/Full Score)
Title: Chiisana Dobutsu no Mori Subtitle: Piano Rendan Kumikyoku Composer: Itsumi TAIRA Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Piano duet Include:1. Rakki no Tameni 2. Ryu wa Nemui 3. Nekotachi no Yoru 4. Guppy 5. Dakku・Pu 6. Kitsutsukiojisan 7. Utan wa Haneruyo 8. Sayonara Chappi 9. Tobe! Purin 10. Dobutsutachi no Koshin Year composed: 1st Edition:2013.9.20 Duration: Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H30.5xW21.8 Publisher: PINE PRODUCE CO., LTD. ISMN : ISBN:978-4-938777-15-9 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
JFC-9513"SHAKU" -2 movements(Viola solo/I.KONKOH/Full score)
Title: "SHAKU" -2 movements Subtitle: for solo viola Composer: Iwao KONKOH Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Viola solo Include: Year composed: 1st Edition:1996.2.8 Duration: Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H35xW25 Publisher: The Japan Federation of Composers Inc. ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
JFC-9307"HEI" -SOLI CONCERTATO(A.Fl., Vc., Pf., Perc./I.KONKOH/Full score)
Title: "HEI" -SOLI CONCERTATO Subtitle: for 4 players Composer: Iwao KONKOH Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: A.Fl. Vc. Pf. Perc. Include: Year composed: 1st Edition:1994.2.10 Duration: Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H35xW25 Publisher: The Japan Federation of Composers Inc. ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
JFC-9010 "IWAHANA AQUA D'AMAPON" (string quartet/I.KONKOH/Full Score)
Title: IWAHANA AQUA D'AMAPON Subtitle: Two Chapters for String Quartet Composer: Iwao KONKOH Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: string quartet Include: Year composed: 1st Edition:1991.2.10 Duration: Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H35xW25mm Publisher: The Japan Federation of Composers Inc. ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
O0706 Ballades, Scherzos(piano/S.ONO/Full Score)
Title: Ballades, Scherzos Subtitle: for piano solo Composer: Seiichi ONO Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: piano solo Include: Ballade No.1~5, Scherzo, Second Scherzo Year composed: Ballade No.1~5, Scherzo:2019 Second Scherzo:2020 1st Edition:2024.7.15 Duration: Ballade No.1:about 8 minutes 30 seconds Ballade No.2:about 12 minutes Ballade No.3:about 9 minutes 40 seconds Ballade No.4:about 9 minutes 50 seconds Ballade No.5:about 10 minutes Scherzo:about 10 minutes 30 seconds Second Scherzo:about 11 minutes 30 seconds Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H297mmxW220mm Publisher: motherearth ISMN:979-0-65003-757-0 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
S0507 A SKETCH(Vn, Pf/T .SATO /Full Score)
Title: A SKETCH Subtitle:for Violin and Piano Composer: Toshinao SATO Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:fViolin and Piano Year composed:1996 1st Edition:2023.12.1 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Vn979-0-65003-715-0, PF979-0-65003-716-7 Score type: Full score S0507-1 A SKETCH/Vn Score+Vn part S0507-2 A SKETCH/Pf Score
T1406 Prana(Violin and Paano/Y. TAKAHASHI /Full Score)
Title: Prana Subtitle:for Violin and Paano Composer: Yutaka TAKAHASHI Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Include: Year composed:1997 1st Edition:2023.12.15 Duration: ca. 17'30" Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-693-1 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:https://www.yutaka-takahashi.com/
TN-1 (CD)
Title: Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music: Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in: Production: publisher: Release date: contents:
EBCD-0318 The Japanese Composers 2011(○/Y. Shigeru S. Rieko K Naoko K. Megumi Y Koji I. Katsuto /CD)
Title: The Japanese Composers 2011 Subtitle: Composer: YAGISHITA Shigeru SUZUKI Rieko KURAUSHI Naoko KANAMARU Megumi YAMASHITA Koji ITAMOTO Katsuto Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music:YAGISHITA Shigeru Violin Sonate No.5 Violin:OHTANI Yasuko Piano:FUJII Kazuoki SUZUKI Rieko Almond Praline Moon for Violin and Piano Violin:OHTANI Yasuko Piano:FUJII Kazuoki KURAUSHI Naoko “Flora – the Transformation of the Pulsation”- for String Quartet QUATIERS MUSICAUX Violin:TESHIMA Shiho, NAKAZAWA Saori Viola:NAKAYAMA Yoshio Violoncello: MORITA Kaori KANAMARU Megumi “Three Poems by Bosho YAMAMURA” Ⅰ-In the blue sky Ⅱ-Mandala Ⅲ-Prayer Soprano:TANAKA Shino Piano:HANEISHI Michiyo YAMASHITA Koji 《A Gleam of Longing》~for Violin, Cello and Piano~ Violin:SEGAWA Mitsuko Violoncello:Domitori Feigin Piano:Niimi Feigin Hiroko ITAMOTO Katsuto Poem for piano solo“The mist of the early morning in late autumn” Piano:OKADA Masako Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in: Production:JFC publisher:EYEBRIGHT Release date: contents:
HCC-2028 The Japanese Composers 2005(S. Hideaki K. Arata N. Yoko I.Shigueyuki M. Mikako N. Tsuyoshi /CD)
Title: The Japanese Composers 2005 Subtitle: Composer:SUZUKI Hideaki KOBAYASHI Arata NAKAMURA Yoko IMAI Shigueyuki MIZUNO Mikako NINOMIYA Tsuyoshi Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by:SUZUKI Hideaki DEMENSION for String Quartet ViolinⅠ:KAGEYAMA Yuko ViolinⅡ:YOSHIMURA Tomoko Viola:ANDOH Yuko Violoncelllo:HAGAWA Shinsuke KOBAYASHI Arata The Figure of Sound by Shō and Marimba Shō:ISHIKAWA Kô Marimba:KANDA Yoshiko NAKAMURA Yoko A grief crane deep in the forest Nohkan:FUKUHARA Hyakushichi IMAI Shigueyuki Metamorfosi Concertante “Siguiriya Gitana” per Marimba e Percussióne e Zapateo Percussion:YOSHIHARA Sumire MIZUNO Mikako With the Impetuous Current Piano:OOI Hiroaki NINOMIYA Tsuyoshi From the Serene – Light Garden for Flute and Piano Flute:KINOWAKI Dogen Piano:MATSUYAMA Gen recorded music:SUZUKI Hideaki DEMENSION for String Quartet ViolinⅠ:KAGEYAMA Yuko ViolinⅡ:YOSHIMURA Tomoko Viola:ANDOH Yuko Violoncelllo:HAGAWA Shinsuke KOBAYASHI Arata The Figure of Sound by Shō and Marimba Shō:ISHIKAWA Kô Marimba:KANDA Yoshiko NAKAMURA Yoko A grief crane deep in the forest Nohkan:FUKUHARA Hyakushichi IMAI Shigueyuki Metamorfosi Concertante “Siguiriya Gitana” per Marimba e Percussióne e Zapateo Percussion:YOSHIHARA Sumire MIZUNO Mikako With the Impetuous Current Piano:OOI Hiroaki NINOMIYA Tsuyoshi From the Serene – Light Garden for Flute and Piano Flute:KINOWAKI Dogen Piano:MATSUYAMA Gen Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in: Production:JFC publisher:HARMONY Release date: contents:
ZIP-0056 (CD)
Title: Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music: Year composed: Duration:時間24' code: 4582271150685 recorded in: Production: publisher: Release date:2016/9/23 contents:
Title: Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music: Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in: Production: publisher: Release date:1997 contents:
HR-1020 (HOMA Records) Paris d'Argent(CD)
Title: Paris d'Argent Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: Ken Shibata, Atsuko Fukuyama recorded music: Year composed: Duration: code: 4560184080206 recorded in: Production: publisher: Release date: contents:
MJ-1 (CD)
Title: Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music: Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in: Production: publisher: Release date:2008/11/1 contents:
30CM-426 ON A TREETOP / Nanae Yoshimura(CD)
Title: ON A TREETOP / Nanae Yoshimura Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation: Played by: recorded music: Year composed: Duration: code: 4990355304266 recorded in:1996年1月 Saitama Production: publisher: Release date:1996/11/21 contents:
PPCA-701 DVOŘÁK, A.: Piano Trio No. 4, "Dumky" / FRANCK, C.: Violin Sonata, M. 8 (Natsumi Tamai, Sung-Won Yang, Masaru Okada)(Violin,Celloi,Piano/CD)
Title: DVOŘÁK, A.: Piano Trio No. 4, "Dumky" / FRANCK, C.: Violin Sonata, M. 8 (Natsumi Tamai, Sung-Won Yang, Masaru Okada) Subtitle: Composer: Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Type: CD Instrumentation:Violin,Celloi,Piano Played by: 玉井菜採 - Natsumi Tamai (ヴァイオリン) ヤン・ソンウォン - Sung-Won Yang (チェロ) 岡田将 - Masaru Okada (ピアノ) recorded music: César Franck (1822-1890) Violin Sonata in A Major, M. 8 Natsumi Tamai (Vn) Masaru Okada (Pf) I. Allegretto ben moderato II. Allegro III. Recitativo - Fantasia: Ben moderato - Molto lento IV. Allegretto poco mosso - Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904) Piano Trio No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 90, B. 166, ""Dumky"" Natsumi Tamai (Vn) Sung-Won Yang (Cello) Masaru Okada (Pf) I. Lento maestoso - Allegro vivace, quasi doppio movimento II. Poco adagio III. Andante IV. Andante moderato V. Allegro VI. Lento maestoso - Vivace " Year composed: Duration: code: recorded in:26 March 2005, Live recording, 100th Spica Concert, Hamarikyu Asahi Hall, Japan Production: publisher: Release date:2006.3.1 contents:
CPCD002 Chronoi Protoi × Quartet Excelsior The Potential of a String Quartet (Vn/Va/Cello/Chronoi Protoi/Quartet Excelsior/CD)
Disc : 1 1. Prelude 1 (Yoko Oba arr.) 2. Masanobu SHINODA (1976-) : Filtered ballad for string quartet 3. Interclude 1 (masanobu Shinoda arr.) 4. Sachiyo TSURUMI (1976-) : Blower 5. Interlude 2 (Sachiyo Tsurumi arr.) 6. Hiroaki KOBAYASHI (1973-) : String Quartet Disc : 2 1. Prelude 2 (Hiroaki Kobayashi arr.) 2. Toshiya WATANABE (1974-) : Shading Ⅱ 3. Interlude 3 (Toshiya Watanabe arr.) 4. Takashi TOKUNAGA (1973-) : How to tattoo 5. Interlude 4 (Takashi Tokunaga arr.) 6. Yoko OBA (1975-) : The Frog Symphony QUARTET EXCELSIOR Yuka NISHINO (1st Violin), Momoko YAMADA (2nd Violin), Yukiko YOSHIDA (Viola), Hajime OTOMO (Cello)
1-6. J.S.BACH/Takeo SHIRAKAWA:Invention No.1、4、6、9、10、13 7-10. F.Busoni: Improvvisata・Barcarolle・Elegia・Danza Comprestre 11-14. Takeo SHIRAKAWA:Dimension No.1 Andant ino ・ No.2 Vivace No.3 Adagietto ・ No.4 Allegro vivace 15-18. F.W.FERLING/C.ROSE/T.SHIRAKAWA:32 ETUDES No.1 Andante cantabile ・ No.2 Allegro No.3 Andante sostenuto ・ No.9 Moderato assai 19-21. A.KHACHATURIAN:Trio Ⅰ Andante con dolore molto espreeione Ⅱ Allegro ・ Ⅲ Moderato 22. G.VERDI:La traviata 23. F.W.FERLING/C.ROSE/T.SHIRAKAWA:32 ETUDES No.10 Allegro moderato 24. J.S.BACH/T.SHIRAKAWA:Suiten fur Violoncell solo BWV1007 25. G.PUCCINI/T.SHIRAKAWA:Gianni Scicchi Co-starring:Ikuko SUZUKI(Cl.)、Kazuhiko SAKAMOTO(Cl.)、Tae IIJIMA(Vn.)、 Chikako KAWABE(Pf.)
THE WORKS OF MASARU KAWASASI Special Concert Live at Colorade College's Packad Hall April 15, 2007 1. Opening applause 2. UTA - Vocalize Japanesque 3. Reverie 4. Longing Two Movements for Solo Flute 5. Andantino 6. Lento 7. Prayer Music No. 4 "la preghieta" 8. In the Depth of the Night 9. Essay on a Day 10. Prayer Music No. 5 "Matins” 11. Lullaby 12. Aria 13. Serenade Composer : Masaru KAWASAKI Flute : Paul NAGEM Piano : Suzan GRACE Viola : Margaret MILLER
NRCD509 Trio elegiaque(Flute/Viola/Harp/Y.OSHIMA/CD)
Trio elegiaque / LE SOUVENIR D'UN REVE Yoshimi OSHIMA : Flute Claude LELONG : Viola Mami YAMAMOTO : Harp CLAUDE DEBUSSY Sonate pour flute, alto et harpe 1. Pastorale - Lento, dolce rubato 2. Interlude - Tempo di minuetto 3. Final - Allegro moderato ma risoluto MAURICE RAVEL Sonatine en Trio pour flute, alto et harpe 1. Modere 2. Mouvement de Menuet 3. Anime ANDRE JOLIVET Petite suite pour flute, alto et harpe 1. Prelude - Modere 2. Modere sans trainer 3. Vivement 4. Allant 5. Yoichi TOGAWA Le souvenir d'un reve ARNOLD BAX Trio elegiaque
PRD718 Neutral -Mizu no Tsuki- (Shakuhachi/R.SAKATA/CD)
Title:Neutral Subtitle:Mizu no Tsuki Type:CD Instrument:Shakuhachi, Fue, Piano, Synthesizer, Guiter, Percussion Played:Ryozan SAKATA(Shakuhachi, Fue)、Yoshinori KAKETA(Piano, Synthesizer)、 Kanji ISHII(Guiter)、 Shinichi SATO(Contrabass, Bass)、Teruo Matsumoto(Drums)、 Keita OKADA(Drums)、Saori SENDO(Percussion) Include: 1. Midnight cocktail 7'32" 2. From the expedition 6'10" 3. Town with Pinocchio 5'46" 4. Mizu no Tsuki 6'07" 5. You and me 8'07" 6. Latex 5'22" 7. Twilight 6'24" 8. SUKU SUKU 6'27" 9. Requiem 5'08" Produce:Create NEMU CD 1