T36i01 Chiisana Dobutsu no Mori (Piano duet/I. TAIRA/Full Score)
Title: Chiisana Dobutsu no Mori Subtitle: Piano Rendan Kumikyoku Composer: Itsumi TAIRA Arranger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Piano duet Include:1. Rakki no Tameni 2. Ryu wa Nemui 3. Nekotachi no Yoru 4. Guppy 5. Dakku・Pu 6. Kitsutsukiojisan 7. Utan wa Haneruyo 8. Sayonara Chappi 9. Tobe! Purin 10. Dobutsutachi no Koshin Year composed: 1st Edition:2013.9.20 Duration: Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): H30.5xW21.8 Publisher: PINE PRODUCE CO., LTD. ISMN : ISBN:978-4-938777-15-9 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
K2808 Junjo small songs(Mix-chor. Pf./S.KOTANI/Score)
Title: Junjo small songs for Mix-chor. Composer: Seiichi KOTANI Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Mix-chor. Pf. Year composed: Duration: Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W21xH29.7 1st Edition: 2024.7.15 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-761-7 Score type: Full score
Title: PAGANINI PERSONAL Subtitle:for tow pianos Composer: Toshi ICHIYANAGI Arrenger: Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Piano 2 Include: Year composed:2021 1st Edition:2022.5.25 Duration: ca. 9' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: none Product Dimensions(cm):30.3×22.6 Publisher:SCHOTT ISMN : 979-0-65001-298-0 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
S3602 SONG ! (Chorus/Piano/K.Sato/M.KODAMA/Music Score)
Title: SONG ! Subtitle: Chorus and Piano Composer: Kaoru SATO Lyrics/words by: Michihisa KODAMA Instrumentation: Chorus and Piano Year composed: 2002 Duration: ca. 6' Released CD: none Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): A4 1st Edition:2022.10.1 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-601-6 Score type: Full score
GPR1901 Viola Covers Trad (Viola/Piano/Y.YOSHITSURU/CD)
Title : Viola Covers Trad Subtitle : Long Loved Japanese Songs vol.1 Composer : Arranger : Hirokuni TANEDA Instrumentation : Viola and Piano Include : My Country, Song of the Seahoure, Blowing Bubbles, Carp Streamers, School of Medaka, Sand Hill, Winter Constellations, The Moon over the Ruined Castle Played by : Yoichi YOSHITSURU (Viola), Hirokuni TANEDA (Piano & Arrangement) Yukari YOSHITSURU (Piano) Product : G Process Records
JILA1758 V 21st Century Piano Music(Piano/CD)
Released score : Yes The island for Piano Duo https://onlineshop-en.mother-earth-publishing.com/items/41611866 JILA
I0701 Fantasy "Shimabara"(Fl.(Vn. Cl. Syakuhachi)and piano duet/S.IKEDA/Score)
Title:Fantasy "Shimabara" Composer: Shoyo IKEDA Instrumentation: Fl.(Vn. Cl. Syakuhachi)and piano duet Year composed: 1998 Duration: ca. 7'20" Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W21xH29.7 1st Edition: 2009.10.1 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: I0701-1 Flute(or Violin) Full score+Flute or Violin Parts I0701-2 Piano Full score I0701-3 Syakuhachi Full score+Syakuhachi Parts I0701-4 Clarinet Full score+Clarinet Parts The lease score's information: info@mother-earth-publishing.com
B0106 Angels in the World in Forest(Piano Duet /Y. BITOH/Score)
Title:Angels in the World in Forest Subtitle:Piano Duet performance suite Composer: YAYOI. BITOH Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano Duet Year composed: 1990 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W22xH29.7cm 2nd Edition: 2014.10.1 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-164-6 Score type: Full score
N0305 Improvised Music by Autistic People(Violin, Clarinet, Violincello, Piano, Percussion/M. NOMURA/Full score)
Title:Improvised Music by Autistic People Subtitle:for Violin, Clarinet, Violincello, Piano and Percussion Composer: Makoto NOMURA Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Violin, Clarinet, Violincello, Piano, Percussion Year composed:2002 1st Edition: 2005.2.15 Duration: ca. 15'00" Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score
K2805 Junjo small songs(Fe-chor. Pf./S.KOTANI/Score)
Title: Junjo small songs Composer: Seiichi KOTANI Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Fe-chor. Pf. Year composed: Duration: Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): W21xH29.7 1st Edition: 2017.8.1 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-343-5 Score type: Full score
N1701KO・KI・RI・KO(Mixed Chor & Piano(4 hands)/T. NIIMI/Full Score)
Title: KO・KI・RI・KO Subtitle:for Mixed Chor & Piano(4 hands) Composer: Tokuhide NIIMI Lyrics/words by: Eiichi TSUNODA, Yakamochi OTOMO Instrumentation:Mixed Chor & Piano(4 hands) Year composed:1990 1st Edition:2013.6.1 Duration: ca. 20' Attachiment CD: none Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher: Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score
N1014FR PORTRAITS OF GODS(Piano for four Hands/S. NAKAMURA /Full Score)
Title: PORTRAITS OF GODS Subtitle:for Piano for four Hands Composer: Shigenobu NAKAMURA Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano for four Hands Year composed: 2st Edition:2015.6.15 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-661-1 Score type: Full score
C0201 Awa karano Piano Tayori(Piano/M.MATSUOKA, Y. KONDO, T. MATSUOKA, K. TOMOTANI, K. YAMASHITA, S. KUMAZAWA other /Full Score)
Title: Awa karano Piano Tayori Subtitle: Composer: MichikoMATSUOKA, Yuko KONDO, Takashi MATSUOKA, Koji TOMOTANI, Koji YAMASHITA, Sumiko KUMAZAWA other Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano Year composed: 2st Edition:2014.11.15 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W22xH29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-017-6 Score type: Full score
N1802 III movements for piano( piano (4 hands)/A. NAKANISHI /Full Score)
Title: III movements for piano Subtitle:for 4 hands Composer: Akane NAKANISHI Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: piano (4 hands) Year composed:19881992 2st Edition:2019.7.15 Duration: ca. 11' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W22xH29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-702-1 Score type: Full score
H1001 Modern dance, Old dance(Piano solo/M. HASHIMOTO /Full Score)
Title: Modern dance, Old dance Subtitle: Composer: Masaaki HASHIMOTO Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano 2 Year composed:1992 2st Edition:2015.3.15 Duration: ca. 12' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W22xH29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-121-0 Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
M3203FR-2 locus(Piano solo or Piano Duo/Y. MATSUMOTO /Full Score)
Title: locus Subtitle: Composer: Yurika MATSUMOTO Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano solo or Piano Duo Year composed:2015 1st Edition:2016.12.1 Duration: ca.5'30" Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65003-342-8 Score type: Piano duo score The lease score's information: http://www.yurikamatsumoto.com/
O0102 4 pieces of glass for 2 pianos(Piano 2/E. OJIMI /Full Score)
Title: 4 pieces of glass for 2 pianos Subtitle: Composer:Emma OJIMI Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano 2 Year composed:1984 1st Edition:2005.1.15 Duration: ca. 10' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): 22.7 x 29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score
K0201 A Midsummer Night's Forest(Piano with four hands/M. KANAMARU/Full Score+CD)
Title: A Midsummer Night's Forest Subtitle:for Piano with four hands Composer: Megumi KANAMARU Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano with four hands Year composed:1997 1st Edition:2005.2.1 Duration: ca. 7'30" Attachiment CD: Yes Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): 22.7 x 29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full Score+CD
S13i03 Kaze(Two Piano/T. SAITO /Full Score)
Title: Kaze Subtitle: Composer: Tomoko SAITO Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Two Piano Year composed: 1st Edition:2001/10/22 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W22.7・H30.3 Publisher:Schwester ISMN : Score type: Full score
HL001 Winter Songs(Piano Duets/N. IKEDA /Full Score)
Title: Winter Songs Subtitle: Composer: Naoko IKEDA Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Piano Duets Year composed: 1st Edition:2004 Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W23・H30.5 cm Publisher:HAL LEONARD ISMN : Score type: score
M0711 Three Precious Moments/Time Rhyme Light(2 Piano for four hands/I. MATSUSHITA /Full Score)
Title: Three Precious Moments/Time Rhyme Light Subtitle:2 Piano Suites for four hands Composer: Isao MATSUSHITA Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:2 Piano for four hands Year composed:2001/2003 2st Edition:2014.11.15 Duration: ca. 12',14' Attachiment CD: Yes Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): W22.7xH29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : 979-0-65002-413-6 Score type: Full Score+CD
CMCD-28283 Ten-nyo-Sanka (piano/guitar/A. Nishimura /CD)
Title: Ten-nyo-Sanka Subtitle:NISHIMIRA-2 / THE WORKS OF AKIRA NISHIMURA Composer: Akira Nishimura Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:piano/guitar/ Year composed: Release date:2013/8/25 Duration: ca. recorded in:Recorded: October 2012 etc / Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall, Tokyo, Japan Played by:Ami Fujiwara, piano Daisuke Suzuki, guitar Tokyo Sinfonietta Yasuaki Itakura, conductor recorded music:Akira Nishimura (1953–) [1] Mirror of Stars for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2010) The Navel of Vishnu for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (2010) [2] I. Shesha Naga [3] II. Vishnu on Meditation [4] III. In the Petals [5] Honey of Light for Nine Players (1990) Guitar Concerto “Ten-nyo-Sanka” (2012) [6] Begining ~ [7] 37 Solo Elegantemente ~ [8] 178 Religioso ~ [9] 223 ♩ = ca. 48 (coda) ~ Publisher:CAMERATA TOKYO code:4990355006351 Score type: CD
S0115 Les temps verts(Piano and Song/J. CENSHU /Full Score)
Title: Les temps verts Subtitle: 4 Melodies Composer: Jiro CENSHU Lyrics/words by: Yuki NOHARA Instrumentation:Piano and Song Year composed:2004 2st Edition:2011/11/1 Duration: ca.15' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information:
K0302 Flots“Dan-no-ura”(A. KOBAYASHI /Full Score)
Title: Seize melodies sur des poemes de Tenpei KUSANO Subtitle: Composer: Arata KOBAYASHI Lyrics/words by: Tenpei KUSANO Instrumentation: Year composed:1969 1st Edition:2006/4/1 Duration: ca. 35' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): 21 x 29.7 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information: