Title: YUME NO NIWA Subtitle:Takahashi Noriko Shisyu Composer: Noriko TAKAHASHI Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation: Year composed:2015.11.25 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): 21.5×15.5W Publisher:Terainku ISMN : 978-4-86261-119-2 Score type: poem book
M1502 Wiedersehen(Song and Piano/S. MIYAZAKI /Full Score)
Title: Wiedersehen Subtitle: Composer: Shigeru MIYAZAKI Lyrics/words by: Noriko TAKASAKI Michizo TACHIHARA Instrumentation:Song and Piano Include:Saikai Umi yo Mugiwara Boushi Itsumademo Itsumademo Year composed:Saikai : 2007 Tachihara 3 works : 1979-1989 1st Edition:2009.11.1 Duration: ca. Saikai : 4'10" Tachihara 3 works : 12' Attachiment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): A4 Publisher:Mother Earth ISMN : Score type: Full score The lease score's information: