Title: ASHIKARI/SODEKORO/SODENOTSUYU Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: ASHIKARI/Unknown SODEKORO/MINEZAKI Koto SODENOTSUYU/MURAZUMI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-152-3 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i153 YUKI/KOSUNOTO(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: YUKI/KOSUNOTO Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-153-0 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i160 ECHIGOJISHI(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: ECHIGOJISHI Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-160-8 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i167 ZANGETSU(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: ZANGETSU Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-167-7 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i198 AZUMAJISHI(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: AZUMAJISHI Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-198-1 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i268 UMENOTSUKI(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: UMENOTSUKI Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-268-1 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i269 TAMATSUBAKI(Shakuhachi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: TAMATSUBAKI Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-269-8 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com
T32i285 NANIWAJISHI/ARIMAJISHI(Shakuhachi/Naniwajishi/T. Kengyo Arimajishi/M. Koto /Full Score)
Title: NANIWAJISHI/ARIMAJISHI Subtitle:Kokyoku Composer: Naniwajishi/TSUGIHASHI Kengyo Arimajishi/MINEZAKI Koto Lyrics/words by: Instrumentation:Shakuhachi Year composed: 1st Edition: Duration: ca. Attachment CD: none Released CD: Product Dimensions(cm): B5 Publisher:Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation ISMN : 979-0-65010-285-8 Score type: shakuhachi/tablature score The lease score's information: http://www.tozanryu.com